Meet Tijani - she is mum to two and she and her husband have created Logan's Plate - Fresh Baby and Toddler meals. Faced with a lack of choice on what to feed their own children when weaning they set up their own company to sort the problem.
"We're a Mum and Dad team on a mission to rid the world of unidentifiable baby and toddler food. What our children eat during weaning influences their eating choices for years beyond. We want to help parents create lifelong healthy eating habits one tasty meal at a time.
Created by Parents for Parents, we're here to help.
- Going back to work?
- Another baby on the way?
- Worried about the nutritional value of convenient meals?
- Worried that you can't do it all?
Order now for nutritious homemade meals to hand when you need them."
Please do check out their website
The food is all freshly prepared and tasty! so that is what we wanted to show with this shoot. Reluctant to be behind the camera it was less about Tijani and more images of the product and prep - although I managed to get some of her!- as you will see from her feedback below and the images
How and when have you used your images?
On our website and across all social media accounts.
Have there been any moments in particular you were glad you had them created?
Absolutely. The photos added an level of professionalism to our website and social media posts. Doing analysis of posts and marketing and being able to match the orders, comments and shares to the pictures just confirms that they were 100% worth doing.
Has there been anything unexpected about how you enjoy/use your photos day to day
Yes actually, the pictures of me. I am not a fan of having my picture taken, I'm not a natural in front of the camera. But seeing the reaction from others, makes me glad that I took them.
Looking back on your session, does anything you were worried about beforehand seem to matter as much now?
As above really. Having my picture taken completely fresked me out, I stressed about it. But you made me feel so comfortable that I needn't have worried.
Now that you’ve done it, what would you tell a friend who was thinking about having their photos taken, but was hesitating for some reason?