Meet Abi - she is an Occupational Therapist and runs her own company - Occupational Therapy Essex.
"Occupational Therapy Essex is an independent occupational therapy practice specialising in working with children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)/Dyspraxia, Hypermobility, Developmental Delay and those with handwriting difficulties."
Please do check out her work here on her website
Abi asked me along to a couple of her classes so I could capture her working with the children and some of the many activities she uses to help her clients.
It was very obvious from photographing her with the children that she is able to relate well to them and they enjoy spending the time with her. The atmosphere was very relaxed and safe but at the same time she was clear with what she needed them to do and they did. I ended up getting some tips for our youngest - then 4 and I booked him onto her getting ready for school classes. I attended these with him and she has really good ways to help them learn - seems so obvious once she shows them - but this was our third and we had not thought of them! Who knew blowing a feather would help them learn how to blow their noses or the very easy way to put on socks and turn them the right way!!! Highly recommend Abi and her team.