Meet Rebecca - she is a performance coach. Incredibly fit herself she encourages and motivates her clients to be their best them and to overcome any obstacles to achieve what they are wanting. She is very easy to talk to and has a calmness that helps you to relax and get motivated. We had fun shooting these images for her - can you tell?!.
Rebecca Blaker - Helping people to fulfil their potential, to dream bigger, building self belief and breaking down barriers.
Please do check out her work here on her website
Here is some feedback from Rebecca on working with me and the uses for the images.
How and when have you used your images?
I plan to use my pictures on my linked-in, social media and website
Have there been any moments in particular you were glad you had them created?
It’s been really helpful to send my picture to new clients before meeting them for the first time.
Has there been anything unexpected about how you enjoy/use your photos day to day?
My family were actually really glad I had them done, as you get older there are fewer opportunities to have a professional photograph taken - it’s mostly just quick snaps on your phone.
Looking back on your session, does anything you were worried about beforehand seem to matter as much now?
I was worried I’d feel daft or not know how to ‘pose’, Tracy very quickly put me at ease!
Now that you’ve done it, what would you tell a friend who was thinking about having their photos taken, but was hesitating for some reason?